Counselor Corner

Critical Topics addressed and evaluated by YHELP!'s Professional Certified Therapist Consultant


Some people may underestimate the value of art because they believe they lack creativity or talent, yet art is a part of everyone’s life. You do not need to be a professional to be passionate about art. In reality, Art stems from the way we feel and think. It can serve as a means of self-expression or as a method of relaxation during times of stress. One wonderful aspect of art is its ability to be personalized, as there are various art forms that are subjective in nature. Meaning art is not just about painting or designing. Art can be dancing, photography, writing, and so much more. Whatever you want to create can become art.

How is art connected to mental health? Art can unknowingly tap into your feelings and emotions. It can serve as a stress reliever for everyone, regardless of age, race, or gender. Even young children can use art to express their selves when their vocabulary is not fully developed. Art is also bigger than the individual, it can be used to inspire large groups of people and art can live on forever. Many types of art transcend generations such as music and fashion. Art can represent one’s culture and inspire hope. Art has the power to capture a moment in history, serving as a reminder not to forget our past. This is why museums are established, to preserve and showcase these important moments.

Art has the power to evoke feelings, emotions, and memories that can significantly influence daily life. Take an inventory of your life and see how you can incorporate more art. It doesn’t have to be perfect, art is subjective and individualized. Everyone requires a way to unwind and decompress, so why not channel it positively by exploring new creative avenues to uncover your artistic passion?

Until next time,

Jamese Jefferson, MA, QMHP